Saturday, March 8, 2014

Edtechchat and me

        Twitter-chat is a brand new technology for me. I wish I could use earlier since I found it was convenient, comprehensive and effective. What a great communication device to benefit our professional development. First, everyone interested in this topic can attend to this chat group. People from different background offered their own valuable perspectives. It truly broaden my horizon and friend circle. Secondly, everyone can ask a question and you can get an immediate answer to the question. Although the answers may not authentic, you can get a hint from others' inspiration. Also, I like the the simple, quick exchange of the information.  As a second language learner, I really not good at reading a long article to grab one simple subject. Long articles really cost me so much time while twitter-chat is way too much better than that. We can acquire huge amount of information in a  brief and relax way.  However, though I admit we can acquire different opinions from all over the world, I found the interface sometimes is too chaotic. I know maybe I am not familiar to this new educational tool. Still, I think some change need to be done to improve the clarity of a chat "room".

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad that you participated in a Twitterchat. There are many to choose from, so when you have a chance, you should try various ones to see which meet your needs and interests.
